- He is asking your child to lie between his teeth and tell the person on the other end of the call that his father isn’t home.
- A child is copying someone’s homework and presenting it as his own.
- Promise your child candy after he is done with his homework, but you do not give it as promised just because he can get his work done.
These are small examples of dishonesty, as we discussed in our post on Quotes About Lying. They might not seem much, but little drops make a mighty ocean.
And we wouldn’t want to be a part of a sea of deceit. Islam also commands Muslims to be honest.
As explained in the simplest of words, honesty means always telling the truth regardless of the situation, even if it doesn’t favor us or is against our interests.
Importance Of Honesty in Islam
Honesty is the most outstanding moral value; it is connected to many human character qualities. Prophet Muhammad was the best example for all Muslims; he was such a flawless model that he was known as As Sadiq Al Amin (the Honest and the Truthful) and there is so much to learn from the Great Manners of Prophet Muhammad.
There are many incidents in history where people blindly trusted him even before he was given Prophethood because of his honesty; one such incident was:
When Prophet Muhammad was thirty-five, the Quraish started rebuilding the Kaabah. The task was divided among the tribes, and each tribe was responsible for rebuilding a part. The work continued harmoniously until the time came to put the Black Stone in its place. A dispute broke out among the leaders of the tribes as they all wanted to have the honor of placing the Black Stone in its place. The situation became tense, and a fight almost broke out. To avoid further conflicts, an idea was put forth by one of the elders of Makkah-Abu Umayyah:
‘‘Let the first man enter the gate of Masjid al-Haram decide the matter.”
The following day, the first person to enter the gate was Prophet Muhammad, the people of Makkah were overjoyed to see that Al Amin had come, they trusted his judgment, and thus the matter was resolved peacefully.
Another incident of Prophet Muhammad’s honesty has been penned down in the pages of history; his message of Islam started based on truth. He lived among the people of Makkah for forty years, and they knew about his impeccable honesty. When he wanted to invite them to Islam, he gathered all the people of Makkah and asked them:

Without thinking, we lie hundreds of times during a day, instructing our child to tell his teacher that he couldn’t do his homework because he was sick even though it was no such case.
Tell your husband to take a day off and inform his workplace about an emergency. These may seem very harmless, but they will snowball into something big.
And worst of all, we are teaching our kids that it is okay to be dishonest. Concealing part of the truth is dishonesty as well.
Benefits Of Honesty
What does honesty have to do with our character? How is it connected with more than just speaking the truth? Nobody wants a dishonest person to be a part of their life, and we all want someone we can trust, whether with minor things or something more significant. Honesty isn’t about how you appear to others but what you can provide by being honest.
1- Honesty Mirrors Your Upbringing
In the society we live in, the majority of our parents or guardians get blamed for the bad choices we make. Because that is what we have been taught, honesty reflects character and morals.
2- Makes Your Life Easier
It is stressful to lie and more nerve-wracking to remember and keep up with the lies. Truth sets us free from all the frustration.
3- It Makes You Reliable And Strengthens Relationships
People trust you more, strengthening every relationship, whether at work, home or school. Honesty makes the foundation of every relationship grow stronger.
4- Shows Respect
When you love someone and choose to be honest with them, it shows that you respect them
5- Your Opinion Holds Value
It is natural when you are honest and people come to you for advice. They know you have their best interests at heart.
6- Promotes Authenticity
Honesty is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings. You can always be yourself without putting a mask on something or covering something up.
7- Fosters Bravery
Courage isn’t the absence of fear. It is standing up for what’s right, even if it is not in your favor. It takes patience and practice, but it eventually pays off.
8- It Is Contagious
Honesty sets an example that motivates others to imitate it as well. When honesty becomes an unconscious habit, you will become attracted to other honest people. A life filled with authentic people is vastly enriched.
9- Keeps You Out Of Trouble
You can dig yourself deeper into a hole with lies and deceit. Keep your slate and conscience clean when you know what might be at stake.
10- Shows Maturity
Honesty is not always about good and happy things. It sometimes hurts and is painful, meaning somebody brave enough to embrace honesty is mature. He accepts that things won’t always go as he expects them to.
Ways To Practice Honesty
- Be Yourself
- Admitting when you are wrong.
- Stop exaggerating.
- Choose not to cheat.
- Return something that doesn’t belong to you, even a pencil.
- Don’t try to impress others.
- Stop comparing yourself to others, and be thankful for what Allah SWT has blessed you with.
Islamic Quotes on Honesty
Don’t tell a lie doesn’t cover honesty; your actions and words should be truthful. Allah has mentioned the reward for honesty in the Quran as well:

Honesty is a great blessing of Allah SWT, an attribute not everyone is blessed with and a significant component for developing moral character. We must always strive to please Allah SWT and know the dangers of deceit:

Allah’s Messenger said:

The Messenger of Allah said:

Allah SWT says:

One of Hazrat Ali’s greatest quotes:

Hazrat Abu Bakr beautifully explained this concept in these words:

According to Mufti Menk:

Quotes in Urdu

Q. What makes a person honest?
Umar Bin al Khattab رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ has put it beautifully.
You will speak the truth if you are pure of heart.