Ahadith on Children: In Islam, children are an amanah (trust) given to the family by Allah SWT. It is the right of children that parents provide them with an environment that is best for their upbringing and raise them into righteous Muslims.
Parents and guardians should ensure that the child is educated, fed, clothed, and loved so the child not only becomes a productive member of the Ummah but also is Sadqa-e-Jariya (charity that continues after death) for them.
What Did The Prophet Say About Upbringing Children?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is our role model in all walks of life and treating children is no exception. There have been various affectionate incidents narrated where he expressed and advised to treat young children with a special bond, care, and discipline. He demonstrated compassion towards young children and orphans on various occasions and advised us to do the same.

1 – Love and Affection Toward Children
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) loved his grandsons Hasan RAA and Hussain RAA immensely. He used to carry them on his shoulders and openly display love and affection for children. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once was kissing his grandson Hasan RA when a man whose name was Al-Aqra was sitting close and said that he has ten children but did not show affection to them. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s reply was a display of disappointment as evident:

2 – Hadith on Bringing Children to Mosques
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated in the following Hadith how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was thoughtful towards children especially those accompanying mothers at the mosque.

3 – Treating Children Fairly
Children should be treated equally irrespective of gender or qualities they possess. Parents should make sure not to be inclined towards any one child and stir an inferiority complex amongst others. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has repeatedly advised giving fair treatment to all the children.

4 – Giving Gifts Justly
Once Al-Nu’man ibn Basheer’s father came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with him and told the Prophet (PBUH) that he gave Nu’man a gift. The gift was of some wealth. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on hearing that he didn’t give the same gifts to all his children showed disapproval as stated in the Hadith below:

5 – Treating Children with Kindness
Anas Ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) served Holy Prophet (PBUH) for ten years. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took care of him with love and affection. The following statement by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) states how the Prophet (PBUH) addressed him. You can take guidance from this article here on the importance of kindness in Islam.

Anas Ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) also explained that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never said to me, ‘Uff’ (a minor harsh word denoting impatience) and never blamed me.
6 – Controlling Your Anger with Children
It has always been advised in Islam to rein in your anger. Children are sponges and will do exactly as they see. Another incident tells that how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was lenient towards children. Even when he was praying and children interrupted he maintained his calm and did not get angry. Islam has given us guidelines for every matter. You can read more about duas to control anger here.

7 – Disciplining Children
It is parents’ and guardians’ responsibility to impart worldly and religious education to children. The following Hadith tells them how to discipline children in the matter of prayers so it wouldn’t be a burden once it’s obligatory.

8 – Role of Fathers in Islam
Usually, fathers are busier in earning a livelihood so they tend to be negligent towards their children’s upbringing. Society usually holds only mothers responsible. Therefore, the following Hadith is a guideline for all Muslim fathers. Here you can read more about the parenting tips for raising children.

At another place, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also stated that amongst the people whose dua (supplication) is accepted is a father who says dua for his children. So fathers should make it a point to supplicate for their children no matter how busy their routine is.
9 – Hadith on Daughters
There are many hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about upbringing and raising daughters. It was much needed at the time when in Arab it was a disgrace to have daughters and they were buried alive. Unfortunately, the ill-treatment of baby girls is still prevalent in societies today. This Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gives comfort to parents who raise their daughters with utmost love.

10 – How Prophet Muhammad Treated Young Children
These ways to treat a child are not given just for your own children but for every child that comes into your life. Being polite is the only way to deal with young humans.
The following Hadith tells how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed empathy and care toward an Ethiopian child and used the language that she understood.

Along with raising pious and educated children, parents should also consciously make supplications or dua for their children as this is also a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is also the Prophets’ way as mentioned in the Holy Quran to pray for their children even before their birth so it is advised to carry this honorable practice too.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How did the Prophet (PBUH) treat children?
Ans. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) treated his children, grandchildren, and other children with affection, care, and joy. He treated and advised others to raise children fairly, play with them and yet work on the children’s tarbiyyah (education and discipline) as they are the contributing members of Ummah for tomorrow.
Q. How parents should treat their child in Islam?
Ans. The parents should consider children as Amanah (trust) and gifts of Allah SWT. They should give them their due rights. Parents and guardians should ensure that the child receives the best tarbiyah along with clothes, food, and love so the child not only becomes a productive member of the Ummah but also is Sadqa-e-Jariya for the parent.
Q. What does Islam says about daughters?
Ans. Islam repeatedly advised giving equal love and respect to daughters and not to behave as was done in a pre-Islamic era where the birth of a baby girl used to bring grief to parents. There are various authentic quotations about the glad tidings of raising daughters. Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “If anyone has a female child and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or prefer his male children to her, Allah will bring him to paradise” (Ahmad, authenticated by Al-Hakim, graded Hasan by Ahmad Shakir)
Q. How did Prophet (PBUH) took care of the orphans?
Ans. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an orphan himself and repeatedly advised to take care of orphans. The Quran also mentions taking care of the needy and orphans. Abu Hurairah (RAA) reported Allah’s Messenger PBUH as saying, “The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated.”
Q. What happens when a baby is born in Islam?
Ans. When a baby is born, in Islam there are certain practices to be taken care of. This includes reciting Adhan gently in the ears of the newborn baby, Taḥnīk (ceremony of touching the lips of a newborn baby with honey, sweet juice, or pressed dates). And also the ceremony of Aqiqah preferably seven days after a baby is born. Here is a detailed post on Sunnah Acts for New Born Baby.