Best Muslim Rulers: Islam is a religion that has over 1.6 billion followers worldwide. Muslims are present in every corner of the globe and have contributed immensely in every field. However, the Muslim world has produced some of history’s most influential and renowned leaders.
These men’s outstanding leadership abilities, sage advice, and courage have left their mark on the world.
From military commanders and political rulers to religious scholars and philosophers, the Muslim world has given rise to some of the most famous Islamic leaders of all time.
This article will look at the top 10 Muslim leaders in the world who have changed history.
Who are the Best Muslim Leaders?
In our last post, we talked about Best Muslim Commanders and Generals of All Time, but in today’s post, we look at leadership in general and analyse some of the greatest Muslim rulers.
01. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
Muhammad (PBUH) was a ruler and a messenger of Allah. His leadership approach was incredibly detailed and effective. He served as a model of morality and faith. Muhammad (PBUH) is always ranked first in every list of Islamic leaders. His ability to defeat his opponents has made him the most powerful Muslim ruler in history.
Moreover, he could establish contact with other powerful Arab clans at every step. To set an example for his people, he would show mercy to them after defeating his opponents and even apart from this, there are an uncountable number of Great Manners of Prophet Muhammad That We Need to Adopt.

02. Hazart Ali (R.A)
Hazrat Ali (R.A.) is historically recognized as the greatest and bravest man in Islamic history. He participated in practically all the conflicts the fledgling Muslim community engaged in. It is well known that he played a significant role in both the Battles of Badar and Khyber.
In the early days of Islam, survival against its many opponents required military strength. Hazrat Ali (R.A) participated in most battles, which is how he acquired his combat talents. He took part in the majority of the conflicts during that time.
Even today, Hazrat Ali’s quotes are most popular after Prophet Muhammad’s as Muslims continue to learn from them.

03. Harun Al-Rashid
It is widely known that Harun Al-Rashid was the strongest ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty. When he came to power in 786, Baghdad was the largest city outside China.
The Islamic Golden Age was in full swing during Harun’s reign, and the Dynasty was at its height. It was up to the new caliph’s vizier to keep the vast kingdom united, which stretched from Morocco to India.
His campaign against the Byzantines from 797 to 806 was his most notable military triumph. In 797, he ordered Empress Irene to pay tribute to Baghdad, but his successor, Nicephorus, objected to the arrangement. However, he was overthrown in 806 and was compelled to pay the Abbasids yearly.

04. Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni is remembered for taking Constantinople. The capture of Constantinople shocked everyone in Europe because it was the Byzantine Empire’s most important metropolis.
Mahmud ringed the city to obstruct supplies and assistance from its allies. Then he bombarded the city using Ottoman technology, which was far more advanced. Giant guns, like those employed against Constantinople, helped the Ottomans establish their reputation.
The fact that Mahmud of Ghazni accomplished this at only 21 makes it all the more remarkable. The Ottoman Empire’s spread throughout Europe began when Islamic armies poured into Constantinople.

05. Tipu Sultan
During the second half of the 18th century, Tipu Sultan ruled an empire in India. Due to his reputation as the bravest man in Islamic history, Napoleon sought Tipu Sultan’s assistance in battling the British.
This was ideal for the Sultan, who had always hated the British East India Company. In the Anglo-Mysore war, he used rocket weapons against the British, but was killed in combat, so it was a complete failure.
Just before he died, he tried to assemble a large alliance of Muslim nations against the British. Despite not having any assistance, he is still regarded as one of the most powerful Islamic commanders in history.

06. Osman I
Sultan Osman 1 led a band of Muslim troops during the founding of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire had a quick and lasting rise to power. It endured for more than six centuries before falling after the First World War.
And Osman 1 was where it all began. He was the ruler of a nomadic tribe that had decided to build a kingdom. He used many Islamic fighters to escape the advancing Mongol hoards.
Moreover, he used Byzantium’s waning influence to increase his conquests across the empire. This started a sequence of events that led to the Ottoman Empire conquering nearly all the former Byzantine territory.

07. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi
Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi was a military ruler and a human being with extraordinary qualities. The person who withstood the crusaders’ storm for twenty years and drove them away was the hero of countless battles. He is among the greatest heroes of Islam, the world has ever seen.
Saladin was passionate about conquering Jerusalem for the Muslims. He had largely conquered the Kingdom of Jerusalem by July 1187. On July 4, 1187, he decisively defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin.
Saladin held power over practically all Crusader cities. Moreover, he wanted to conquer the city without more bloodshed, but the people of Jerusalem refused his offer of peace conditions.

08. Mehmed II
The person who ended the Byzantine Empire was Mehmed the Conqueror. Mehmed II ultimately found a strategy to conquer Constantinople, where past Sultans had failed. Of course, the Byzantines had no concept of an “empire” at that time.
Despite numerous conflicts, the Ottomans eventually took Constantinople on May 29, 1453. He developed the city into a powerful capital. By the 1520s, Constantinople was the biggest metropolis in Europe. At the Battle of Erzincan in 1473, he won a crucial victory that gave him control over Anatolia and the Balkans.

09. Muhammad Bin Qasim
Muhammad Bin Qasim is one of the greatest Muslim leaders in history. When Islam spread over South and Central Asia, Muhammad Bin Qasim played a crucial role as a leader. It was quite a triumph for him to take control of several important areas in what is now Pakistan.
At fifteen, Qasim was a smart, well-educated young man. He was asked to serve under the legendary general Qutayba bin Muslim when he was sixteen. Muhammad Bin Qasim has shown an aptitude for deft combat and strategic thinking while under his command.
Muhammad Bin Qasim was not only a superb general but also a superb administrator. He built law and order and an efficient administrative system in conquered territories. Moreover, he had a tremendous deal of respect for various faiths.
He paid stipends to Hindus and Buddhists during his tenure. His initiatives left a lasting impression on the country’s underprivileged, and many converted to Islam. Moreover, numerous historians think he would have ruled over all of South Asia if given a few more years.

10. Nader Shah
Between 1736 and 1747, Nader Shah ruled as sultan of Persia. He is regarded as one of Iran’s most brilliant military commanders. This goes so far that many people call him the Iranian Napoleon.
He extended his country’s frontiers to cover the Middle East through several effective military campaigns. But in the end, his military prowess brought him to ruin. His empire expanded far too quickly for its economy to support, and he overspent on the war.

In conclusion, these are the top 10 Muslim leaders in the world who changed history. While there are many other great Muslim leaders, these ten have impacted society the most significantly.
Their accomplishments range from expanding the Muslim world to improving the lives of Muslims. What do you think? Who would you add to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Naare takbeer – Allah hu akbar ☪️
Naare re salat – ya rasool allah ☪️
Naare haideri- ya ali moula ali ☪️
Sultan Jalaludin khawrzam shah and sultan Alp Arslan ?
Sultan Suleiman khan???
Oh My God!!!!!
Simply illiteracy. Author knows nothing about Islam and military’s history of islam…at first place …..Hazrat Ali and Haroon Ur Rasheed and few others have never been military generals. Hazrat Ali was a mubarayzun not military chief. He never fought during first three khulfa reign for Islamic wars. How ever he fought to establish his how khilafat but retreated as his army refused to fight against muslims. 100 thousands muslims were killed during their own war and mostly huffaz ul Quran were martyred from both sides. resultantly failed to establish the khilafat although he changed the Capital of Prophet Muhammad Medinah to kufa because people of Medinah refused to fight with muslim brothers just to establish the khilfat of Ali
how ever Khalid bin Waleed the greatest millitary general of all time which the whole world accept as the greatest military general of all time who fought over 111 battles not lost a single one is the only military general of such caliber in history. who conquered whole Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Bayzentine, Iran. over 5000000 kilometer area for muslim empire stretched east iran to west turkey. No general can match him in history accpet few like alexandre the great, Chengaiz khan, nepolian, ceasur etc.
and here author even doesnt worth him mention the name of the first chief of Muslim army staff
it is a biased list
Hazral ali did not win a one kilometer of area for islam and ranks 2nd in list. surprising
Too many ommissions, check ✔️ yo Islamic history well
Could you point out the errors so they can be fixed?
Hazrat Umer R.A???