Islamic Condolence Message For Muslims. Islam teaches us the condolence with Muslims in a way of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did. First of all try to lift the emotions of the suffered family by recalling them that Allah will definitely reward their patience. Islam encourages Muslims to console brothers and sisters in times of sorrow and grief to reduce the pain. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) narrated a great reward for it. He said:
Whosoever consoles a person afflicted with grief receives his selfsame reward. (Al-Tirmidhi and ibn Majah)
Whosoever consoles someone going through a difficult time, Allah will clothe him with the robes of honor on the day of Judgment. (Ibn Majah)
What do you say when someone dies or lost his precious thing? How you say sorry for the loss? We have shared some rest in peace Islamic sayings and supplications. We will tell you how to say condolence according to sunnah and Quran.
RECOMMENDATION: 40 Islamic Quotes about Sadness & How Islam Deals with Sadness

The Islamic Way of Expressing Condolence and Sympathy
An Infographic About Islamic Condolences Messages

↓ 30- Condolence on the Death of a Muslim
Muslims start condolence with the verse of Surah Baqarah which translates as
‘We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return’
Such is a life of a Muslim, he belongs to his Rabb and after living this life in deception he has to return to Him.

↓ 29- Consoling with Allah’s Words
Allah in the Quran Himself says that we should not despair and lose hope when we go through trials and tribulations. Because Allah always stays with us, he never leaves our hand when we need Him the most. We should never become hopeless and should only ask Him for help. We can remind this beautiful saying of Allah SWT to those who are in need to hear such comforting words.

↓ 28- Condolence Message on Death of a spouse
Losing a spouse leaves a person with an empty heart and a battered soul. The life that they have spent together starts disturbing the peace of mind and the world seems like a dark pit. But only Allah can heal this loss so we must pray to Him to heal the broken hearts and grant His beautiful Jannah.

↓ 27- Praying for a Better Replacement
Losing a loved one or going through a calamity can bring about negative thoughts and emotions and a fear that we have lost everything keeps spinning in our mind. But Allah always has a better replacement for the loss. We should always pray for a beautiful replacement.

↓ 26- Short Condolence Message

↓ 25- SMS Txts: Condolences Text Messages

↓ 24- Comforting the Griever with Quranic Ayah
Quran is comforting and soothing for the ears of the lost ones and those who are hopeless. The verses feel relatable to us and give us the ways towards the light. Allah in the Quran has mentioned that everyone had to leave this mortal world of deception. We should not lose our hearts. We can console the grieved person with this Quranic ayah.

↓ 23- Remembering the Promise of Compensation by Allah
We as a supporter to the Griever should make them remember that Allah never keeps us empty-handed. when He takes something from us, he will always recompense in His mysterious ways. Even if it’s the death of a loved one or enduring any hardship, Allah is always holding our hand and guiding us towards the right path.

↓ 22- Being with the Griever During Difficult Time
The person who’s grieving over a loss needs someone beside them to share the burden of the calamity that they have been bearing alone. A few reassuring words, asking if there is anything they need and being there with them, can console a wounded heart.

↓ 21- Remembering the Sabr of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Losing someone or going through a catastrophe breaks a person from inside and shakes their world vigorously. But making them remember the Sabr of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH can help in lessening the pain of the mourner. He might find solace in understanding that our Prophet Muhammad PBUH had gone through numerous trials, whether it was the verbal attack by Quraish, bearing their disrespectful attitude, or his son’s death, he never let go of the rope of patience and never complained to Allah SWT. His lips were always busy in the Dhikr of thanking Allah SWT. Remembering his patience can be Comforting for a tired person.
On the death of Ibrahim, Muhammad PBUH said;
أِنَّ الْعَينَ تَدْمَعُ وَالْقَلْبُ يَحْزَنُ وَلَا نَقُولُ مَا يَرْضَى رَبُّنَا وَأِنَّا بِفِرَاقِكَ يَا أَبْرَاهِيمُ لَحْزُونُونَ
Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim

↓ 20- Keeping the Lamenter in Thoughts
When we pray, we should remember to pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Especially those who are in distress and need of duas. We should also mention to them that they’re in our thoughts and prayer، to make them feel better during tiring times.

↓ 19- Dua For Condolence on the Death
Dua is the most powerful gift that we give to someone. If a person leaves this mortal life for his final journey, what he needs the most is the dua that one prays for him. We should make dua to Allah SWT for the deceased to keep him safe from Hell-Fire.

↓ 18- Make Dua for Allah’s Mercy over the Deceased
We are Ibn e Adam, the creation of Allah SWT, who are in constant need of His mercy and love. When there’s a need to console the relatives of a deceased we can pray to Allah to shower His mercy upon the deceased.

↓ 17- Dua For Forgiveness of the Deceased
In this life, we sin numerous times and do not walk on the right path that leads us to Allah SWT. For that, we need to ask for His forgiveness as many times as possible. But when we leave this Fa’ani world, we need duas from the people to pray for our forgiveness. The people who are left behind should pray to Allah swt to pardon his sins and make him safe from the torment of Jahannum.

↓ 16- Dua to Have Patience
Patience is the greatest virtue in Islam. It is not acquired in seconds or minutes, it takes a strong Tawakkul in Allah’s decree to have patience. When we are going through some rough patch, the rope of patience keeps slipping away from our hands but if our friends and family keep reminding us to have Sabr, we might gain a little patience. One should pray for the Griever to have firm sabr and tawakkal in Allah.

↓ 15- Praying for Jannatul Firdaus
Jannat ul Firdaus is the ultimate wish of every Muslim. Our lives are spent praying for a beautiful piece of land in Jannah. We should pray for every Muslim to be able to enter the gates of the eternal abode. We should also pray to Allah to open His arms for someone who has returned to Him and make him enter the doors of Jannah under his shadow.

↓ 14- Praying for the Eternal Journey of the Deceased
A Muslim’s final journey starts when his soul leaves his body. It is then he gets to know about his deeds and whether he’ll enter Jannah or his aimaal will take him to sinners abode which is Hellfire. We should always pray for the peaceful journey of the Deceased.

↓ 13- Consoling the Relatives of the deceased
People going through an irremediable loss need their loved ones around them. They just have lost someone close to their heart and it feels impossible to come out of it. One should console them and make them remember that it is Allah who takes and gives life. We cannot do anything other than bowing our heads in front of His decree.

↓ 12- Praying for Peace of the Deceased
Peace is what we seek in this life and when we die too. Praying for the deceased’s soul to rest in peace helps a mourner to pray for it too.

↓ 11- Praying to Heal from the Loss
Healing from a loss seems like a quite huge burden that one feels. Losing all you had makes you feel like your world is falling apart but with the help of Allah SWT, the wounds start healing and pain becomes lesser with time. One should pray for a grieving person that Allah soothes his heart and help him to feel better.

↓ 10- Condolence Message on Death of Mother
Mothers are the most precious beings given to us by Allah SWT. All their life, they care for their children and love them unconditionally. The thought of losing a mother gives us shivers but when one goes through this irreparable loss, he needs people beside them. We should stay with them, say a few consoling words and help them heal.

↓ 9- Condolence Message on Death of Father
Fathers are also an important part of our lives. They provide and take care of his family and sacrifice their needs and dreams for them. When he leaves his family to return to his Creator, the family falls apart. Children become Yateem and it becomes hard to leave him behind. During this difficult time, we should stand beside them and console the family. Yateem children can also be taken under financial protection.

↓ 8-Praying for the Ease in Grave
The grave is the Home of a dead body. When we die, we leave everything in this world and only take our deeds and actions to the grave. We should always pray for ourselves and others that may Allah bless us and lighten up our graves with our good deeds.

↓ 7- Extending the Hand of Sympathy
Islam stresses a lot on extending a hand of sympathy towards other Muslims. Lending a helping hand or supporting the ones going through a calamity can lighten their burden and Allah will reward the sympathizer.

↓ 6- Condolence Message on Death of a Child
A child means the world to his parents and their life revolves around him. But when, with Allah’s will, their children leave them to meet Allah SWT, their life shatters. Their hearts carry an irremediable pain and they need people to share their loss. We should stay beside them and pray for Allah to make things better for them.

↓ 5- Speaking Kind Words to the Griever
Kindness is the key to win people’s hearts. People who are kind towards others can lighten the burden of a hurting heart. Speaking a few kind words to the mourner or people who are going through rough times, is what Islam teaches us. We should be watchful of our words and remain kind while consoling.

↓ 4- Showing Tenderness to the Griever
Being tender and kind towards the mourner is the way to console someone. Thinking about their loss, being mindful of our words, and staying by their side gives a little strength to bear the hardship

↓ 3- Condolence Dua on Death of a Parent
Parents are the most important people in one’s life. It is alayws difficult to live without either of them. But when they return to their Creator, we should pray for them. We can also share the dua with someone who has lost one of his parents.

↓ 2- Keeping the Deceased in Our Heart
People who leave this world should never be forgotten. We should keep them and their memories in our hearts and mention our pure intentions to the griever as well. We should remind them that the deceased lives forever in our hearts and we should always pray for them.

↓1- Condolence Messages Images

My #eyes are tearful. My heart is full of anguish, but we will only say what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim! We are indeed grieved over your separation.
Sir you have miss spelled there in 21th.. you wrote “ears” instead of “eyes”. Please correct it.
Thank you!
I was just happen to write same correction.
hope, admin fix there soon
Thanks for pointing it out, it has been fixed, JazakAllah
Thanks for pointing it out, it has been fixed, JazakAllah
Admin, please correct the mistake Amna and Mohammad had pointed out.
Thanks for pointing it out, it has been fixed, JazakAllah
Very good. I found great comfort and use. Ameen and thank you
Thanks a lot, these actually calmed me and restored my hope, thanks again
Jazakalah all Islamic guides are useful
Walaikum Salam and JazakAllah.
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