What is the Islamic perspective on dowry? In simple words, Dowry is any of the property, household items, or money that parents give to the bride on her marriage either on-demand or in fear of physical or emotional blackmail that the bride might face after marriage. In today’s article, we will be reviewing in detail the concept of dowry in Islam, its disadvantages, alternatives and much more.

Important Terms:
Dowry: Belongings, money, or property given to Bride on marriage
Jointure: Haq Mehar (The money, gold, or property due on men for the bridal)
Rituals: Customs
Mohsineen: Men of good deeds
Musafiheen: Women protected under marriage
Anafqoo: To spend
Disadvantages of Dowry:
- Dowry increase spiritual diseases in society such as making people greedy or materialistic.
- Giving Dowry is just as you are selling your daughter. This type of relationship cannot bring love and happiness in this way rather it will promote the love of money.
- Many parents are not able to fulfill such high demands as a result many girls commit the sins like suicide or they may fall victim to depression and other mental illnesses.
- It lowers the standard of living.
- It also weakens the status and value of women.
- Men are going to be lazy and inefficient because they know they will just marry and become rich.
- Above all, the most important is that it is against Islamic law so we gain sin by being involved with dowries, and apart from this it demolishes society.
What is the Concept of Dowry in Islam?
The Dowry is a curse and woe for both the families consequently. It is not only increasing corruption in the society but also day by day it is becoming more the part of a status which is very obvious in rich Families. In contrast to poor families who have just limited income, the foremost priorities of the parents are that they want to educate their children. When their daughters reach the age of the marriage, they cannot afford a married happy life only because of the reason that they do not have much to give to in-laws. Dowry is basically impeding the spiritual and religious acts of Nikah.
History of Dowry:
Hindus started the concept of dowry in the early ages. Step by step Muslim communities started to follow the ritual of cursed dowry. Muslims have adopted many of the cultures of Hindus and Dowry is one of them.
Dowry in the light of the Holy Quran:
Finances of Marriage:
The Holy Quran has clearly explained who will be bearing the responsibility of Nikah:
Verse 1: All Alimony is on Groom
Allah said in Holy Quran,
Surat Nisa Verse 24:

The alimony(naan nafqa) payments have 4 basic things.
Importantly, the groom and his family must fulfill the customs during Nikah. One of the customs is the distribution of the dried dates which is sunnah too.
Finally, there is the reception ceremony of the walima.
All these points are explaining that there is no concept of dowry in Islam. We are promoting it although we know that we should hinder this ritual.
Here are some Authentic Duas To Make Your Marriage Happier and Stronger.
Verse 2: Reason Why Husband’s are superior:
Allah said in Quran:
Surat un Nisaa: Verse 34:

Men are superior to their wives because Allah has made some people superior to others and so that they spend on their wives.
This verse depicts that Men are superior in leadership qualities. Why? So that they can spend on their wives, not because the wives will spend on the men.
Prophet’s Muhammad Sunnah:
Our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P B U H) never arranged the Barat reception for his daughters but he promoted his own walima receptions. Actually, if we become sensible then at the time of Barat, the girl is leaving her own house and this occasion is the sad occasion for both the parents and daughter. We should not arrange large receptions because it is creating a burden on the parents of the girl.
And even on occasions when the Prophet did give gifts to his daughter Fatima (RA), they were very modest items like bedsheet, a leather waterbag and a pillow.

Gifts for Daughters
The gift is allowed but in our culture, the girl’s family gives expensive gifts which they cannot afford. They are pressurized from in-laws basically.
Nowadays, families are presenting all dowry to extrovert in front of all people which is also prohibited in Islam. You should also go through these Powerful Duas to Ask Allah for Forgiveness of Sins.
What is the Alternative to Dowry?
Muslim Scholars explained that we can replace the concept of dowry.
First of all, we need to stop giving dowry to our daughters.
Also, the boys themselves should take an action to stop their parents from demanding anything from bride’s family.
Last but not least is that if we want to make our daughters and sons-in-law happy by giving presents to them, we can give them in the whole of their life except the marriage ceremony. This is the best way to get rid of the wrecked dowry.
What do Islamic Scholars Say About Dowry?
All the Muslim scholars give one common fatwa on the maintenance of Alimony that this is the duty of the groom.
Moreover, the boys are unaware of the Islamic rule of jointure because they should give that money to their brides right after they meet after nikah. However, the boys always postpone the jointure. In our culture, dowry reaches before the arrival of bridal which is, in other words, closing all doors of the security of bridal rather it is enhancing more greed in the hearts of people so inspired to care for the girl, the inlaws become more greedy.
According to Dr Zakir Naik:
“give women their dowries (mahr) with a good heart” – [Al Quran 04 04]

According to Mufti Menk:

There are numerous examples in the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah and from the lives of the sahabas that prove that dowry and flamboyance are not Islamic concepts. In Islam, there is no concept of Dowry but only a concept of Mahar which is given to the bride as a form of financial security.
May Allah control all Muslims. (Ameen)