Duas from Quran: Duaá is an Arabic word, made of three small letters but the meaning it holds is heavy and beautiful. A subject is so large and challenging to define in a few words. The word duaá is roughly translated into supplication or invocation.
Duaá is like a conversation with Allah SWT and a form of worship. Duaá is the essence of prayer. the importance of Duaá has been described in many verses of the Holy Quran. One of them being:

Power Of Duaá
The power and strength of duaá are beyond our imaginations. We present Allah SWT with all our needs; even though Allah SWT is all-Knowing, it is still preferred that a person ask Allah SWT to accept his duaá. There is a sense of satisfaction in talking to Allah SWT and telling Him all your worries. The Messenger of Allah said:

Best Quranic Duas to Recite
Muslims should not shy away from seeking the help and guidance of Allah Almighty in every problem they face in their life. Here are some easy duaás that can be recited when needed:
1- Dua of Mercy For Parents
Our parents have sacrificed so much while raising us. We can try our best to treat them with respect and honor them. One of the best things we can do is make sincere dua for our parents even if they are no longer with us. Our prayers will continue to benefit them.

2- Dua For Forgiveness Of Parents
The Messenger of Allah encouraged us to keep praying for our parents. Any duaá made from the depth of our hearts and sincerity will be heard. Here is another easy duaá for our parents:

3- Duaá For Being Thankful For The Countless Blessings We Have
Reflect upon your own life and you will find innumerable blessings, at every turn in life you will find Allah SWT has given us more than we deserve. Subconsciously we say Alhamdulilah and thank Allah SWT, but do we mean what we say.
Here are some more Beautiful Thanking Allah Quotes.

4- Duaá For Keep Steadfast On The Right Path
Standing firm in Islam is essential for every Muslim who wants to follow the straight path with determination and understanding. And what better guide than the Holy Quran itself. The person trying to stand firm will be jostled with doubt and confusion. Here is a duaá that will help keep us strong throughout this journey:

5- Duaá For Protection From Hellfire
As Muslims, it is part of our faith to believe in Hellfire or also known as Jahannam. An abode created by Allah SWT as a means of severe punishment for the wrongdoers in this world. Here is a duaá that should be recited to seek protection:

6- Dua For Forgiveness
Allah wants us to remember Him constantly, He knows we are going to fall into sin but He wants us to be the ones who constantly seek forgiveness and ask for His mercy; the Messenger of Allah used to seek forgiveness 70 times a day (Bukhari). A simple and easy duaá’that can be recited several times a day:

7- Dua for Our Families
Everything in our life has been already written even before this world came into existence but we still need to make duaá for anything we desire, which includes pious spouses and children. Even though Allah SWT is All-knowing we still need to ask for what our heart wants. Here is an easy duaá for your family:

8- Dua For Keeping Us On The Right Path
Staying on the right path isn’t easy, the path is lined with several obstacles. We need to make efforts to stir clear of these distractions and make duaá as we go along, we need to ask Allah SWT to help us even if we stumble and fall. A much-needed duaá to be recited:

9- Dua For Making Us Among The Good At The Time Of Death
It is painful to think of a loved one returning to Allah SWT, but it is more painful to think that he might not be from the righteous, we need to strive to make that possible. We need to make sure Allah SWT put us among those whose graves will be the gardens of Jannah. A duaá to ask Allah to make us victorious:

10- Dua For Keeping Away From The Whispers Of Shaitan:
One of the means to misguide people is to put doubts in their hearts. We can put a stop to this by keeping ourselves busy and keeping close to Quran and Sunnah. A duaá easy on the lips and heavy for stirring clear of such thoughts.
Here are some more Powerful Duas Against Shaitan & Protection from Shaitan.

11- Dua For Acceptance
For Allah SWT to accept our deeds, they should be meant and devoted to Allah SWT alone and they must be in the way taught to us by the Messenger of Allah. Here is a duaá that should be recited so that Allah accepts all that we do:

12- Duaá For Guidance In Our Matters
It is human nature to act upon our desires, to accomplish what we like, and stay away from what we don’t. There is nothing wrong with that but it is when we act upon these desires with no regard for Quran and Sunnah comes the problem.
We should always seek Allah SWT’s guidance in any matter we wish to pursue. A much-needed duaá to seek guidance:

13- Duaá For Grief
We forget the significance of duaá and sabr when faced with grief. Trust what Allah SWT has decreed for you and face it without any complaints because no one knows what’s best for you. A duaá to help you cope with grief:

14- Duaá For Making A Task Easier
Every person has a different approach when it comes to dealing with difficult matters. Some people become nervous and worried, some face it with courage, and others lose courage and get frightened. The tranquility of the heart lies in the remembrance of Allah SWT. A simple duaá to help us in our hour of need:

15- Dua For Leaving Everything In the Hands Of Allah SWT
Tawakul means to leave everything to Allah SWT after we have done everything at our end; Allah SWT doesn’t need any means to do anything. He isn’t bound by how, when, and where; this is what tawakkul means leave everything to Him, without even worrying about how it might happen. A simple duaá’to put your heart at ease:

16- Dua To Help You Stand For For Salah
Salah the second most important pillar of Islam, and an obligatory form of worship. An act of worship not to be neglected at all, we find ourselves skipping prayers for useless reasons, maybe we are tired, studying, or are busy.
Every excuse is baseless when it comes to Salah, we must make a habit of keeping everything aside when it is Salah time. Along with our efforts and this duaá, may Allah allow us all to pray five times a day:

17- Dua To Keep Hope Alive
We make constant duaá to Allah SWT and do not see them being answered, as we cannot understand the wisdom behind Allah SWT’s decisions, we tend to lose hope. We lose interest in making duaá as we want everything to happen immediately. Thoughts like these weaken our Emaan, a duaá to help you when you start losing hope:

18- Dua For All Problems
We keep forgetting that dua and any form of worship are not for Allah SWT, he has countless angels worshipping Him in the best way possible. Every deed or act of worship we do is to elevate our ranks, we are in dire need of our Ibadah. Another much-needed duaá:

19- Dua For Success
When you think of success it is not only confined to this world, it also means success in the Hereafter. A duaá that can be recited to ask for success:

20- Dua For A House In Paradise
Our final destination must be Jannah and for that, we need to follow everything told to us by Allah SWT, along with our efforts duaá are needed. A duaá to ask Allah SWT a place near Him in Jannah:

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Are these duaá enough to get what we want?
No, these dua’s alone won’t suffice; salah, dhikr, Quran, and every act of worship will help you get closer to Allah.
Q. Is there a specific number of times a dua should be recited?
No, there is no set number of times they should be read. Yes, any duaá should be done in abundance.
Q. What is the most powerful dua?
Every dua holds its significance and weightage in the eyes of Allah SWT. So one can not say that a certain dua is most powerful as any dua you make with a good heart and intention can be powerful for you.
Q. Can any dua be answered in seconds?
Anything is possible with Allah SWT, but we need to present that level of Taqwa to Allah to get anything we want immediately. It might not be possible if we remember Allah only in the time of need. Here are some Tips For Acceptance Of Dua.
Q. Are there any powerful duaá for miracles?
Allah SWT doesn’t need a specific dua for miracles. He needs to see our commitment to our religion for that to happen.
Q. Can I recite Quranic duas in sujood?
Yes, you can use Quranic duas in sujood as scholars recommend saying the duas after you’ve recited subhana rabbiyal a’la.