Humanity Quotes in Islam– Islam is another word for peace, the peace of mankind. It talks about the oneness and unity of humanity. We can see Islam emphasizes a lot for the rights of humanity as we can see many sayings of Quran and Hadiths. We have shared some best Humanity quotes. Lets serve humanity and spread love.
The Concept of Humanity in Islam
What Quran says about Humanity:
And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful;
[An-Nisa, 4:36]
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You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah.
[Aal-e-Imran, 3:110]
O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single soul, created, of like nature, the mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.”
[Quran 4:1]
Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.
[Al Quran 16:91]
Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon men; and Allah loves those who do good.
[Al Quran 3:135]
So Allah gave them the reward of this world, as also an excellent reward of the next; and Allah loves those who do good.
[Al Quran 3:149]
And if you fear that you will not be fair in dealing with the orphans, then marry of women as may be agreeable to you, two, or three, or four; and if you fear you will not deal justly, then marry only one or what your right hands possess. That is the nearest way for you to avoid injustice.
[Al Quran 4:4]
And when other relations and orphans and the poor are present at the division of heritage, give them something therefrom and speak to them words of kindness.
[Al Quran 4:9]
And him who seeks thy help, chide not.
[Al Quran 93:11]
What Hadith says;
Abu Huraira narrated: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:
You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you love each other. Shall I show you something that, if you did, you would love each other? Spread peace between yourselves.
Source: Sahih Muslim 54, Grade: Sahih
Abu Huraira narrated: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:
The Muslims are like a single man. If the eye is afflicted, then the whole body is afflicted. If the head is afflicted, then the whole body is afflicted.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586, Grade: Sahih
A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, birds and animals can eat, is committing an act of charity.”
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Humanity Quotes with pictures
↓ 50 Forgive when you have power over others.
↓ 49 Spread peace and love between yourself.
↓ 48 Muhammad Peace be Upon Him,most merciful, most compassionate.
↓ 47 Islam is another word for humanity.
↓ 46 Love for the people what you love for yourself.
↓ 45 Islam is a religion of peace. No Terrorism.
↓ 44 Mankind is a nation.
↓ 43 No Superiority. Sense of equality.
↓ 42 Behave well with your neighbors.
↓ 41 Allah is love and He love his creature. Show kindness and love towards people.
↓ 40 Be thankful for every act.
↓ 39 All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights.
↓ 38 We must learn to understand humanity better.
↓ 37 There is only one caste, the caste of humanity.
↓ 36 Allah is most merciful, He loves mercy.
↓ 35 A rich child often sits in a poor mother lap.
↓ 34 Don’t live your life with hate in your heart.
↓ 33 No Terrorism.
↓ 32 Those who don’t value humanity, kill people.
↓ 31 Wish reward and gratitude only from Allah.
↓ 30 One Ummah, One Body, One Unity
↓ 29 No doubt, Surely. Allah’s promise is true. Al-Quraan 10:55
↓ 28 Hurting someone is against the teaching of islam.
↓ 27 Love for all, hatred for none.
↓ 26 Forget as quickly as you expect God to forgive you.
↓ 25 For you may be the hand of God to him.
↓ 24 The one who looks after a widow is like a Mujahid. Bukhari:265
↓ 23 Indeed the promise of Allah is true.
↓ 22 Have a positive attitude.
↓ 21 Peace is our gift to each other.
↓ 20 Islam demand freedom of non Muslims,and also that they be treated justly as any other fellow human.
↓ 19 Equal in Humanity, Equal rights.
↓ 18 All are equal in His eyes & will be treated equally on Judgement day
The day We shall summon every group of people with their imam, then whoever is given his book in his right hand —they will read it, and they will not be wronged so much as a single date-thread. (17:71)
↓ 17 He is forgiving, the Merciful.
↓ 16 Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth.
↓ 15 Love the poor.
↓ 14 The way of success.
↓ 13 Give orphan a positive future.
↓ 12 All Human beings are brother unto one another.
Quran reference is incorrect in 16:91 Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.
[Al Quran 16:91]
It is not on 91 verse of surah 16 but it is on 90 verse of surah 16
Thanks for these Islamic Quotes
Quran 17/70. Words are lie. Reference is incorrect.
Hurrah! After all I got a website from where I be capable of
actually obtain useful data concerning my study and knowledge.
Post number 17 is incorrect.
The verse quoted (ie. 17:70) does not say this ! Please correct your post.
Quran reference is incorrect in 16:91 Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.
[Al Quran 16:91]
It is not on 91 verse of surah 16 but it is on 90 verse of surah 16
JazakAllah for pointing that out. We’ve made the correction.
Kind regards,
Team TIQ.
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