Islamic quotes on Divorce: Marriage is among the most lovely things that Allah has bestowed upon mankind. One can become closer to Allah if one navigates through this relationship. This must be done according to the roadmap provided by Allah (SWT) in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
Marriage truly shapes and transforms people by providing them with someone to confide in, develop with, learn from, and live through the waves of life.
However, not all marriages succeed for a variety of reasons which may include; not having the same values, motivations, or cultural inclinations. In some situations, unrestrained emotions result in abuse or violence.
Whatever the cause, it does happen, which is why Allah permits divorce.
What is the Process of Divorce in Islam?
There are several verses in the Holy Quran that discuss the conduct and steps one should follow throughout a divorce to keep the peace and please their Creator (SWT).
1 – Divorce Quotes In Islam
The following hadith explains Allah’s (SWT) disdain towards the act of divorce despite allowing it under certain circumstances.

2 – Quranic Verses On Divorce In Islam
When it comes to witnesses, the Shariah suggests that the two witnesses be pious and sound-minded males. In the event, that the available witnesses are female, then one male shall be substituted with two females.

3 – Hadith About Divorce
The following hadith about divorce explains how one should handle a situation whereby someone tries to defame in order to separate a couple.

4 – How Long Husband and Wife Can Live Separately in Islam?
In general, it is suggested that the couple lives together after nikkah. However, it is understandable that many situations in life may require the husband and wife to live separately. The following hadith depicts that a wife has the option to seek divorce after 5 to 6 months have elapsed. However, it must be proven the husband has not made an effort to take her with him.

5 – Can Husband and Wife Live Separately without Divorce in Islam?
As mentioned above, there can be various reasons whereby the husband and wife may have to separate for a while. The following verse of Surah An-Nisa shows where the husband may have to separate himself from the wife without pronouncing talaq.

6 – Automatic Divorce In Islam
The hadith below debates the concept of automatic divorce in Islam. It clarifies that even if the husband has gone missing for years on end, the marriage shall remain intact. However, the wife can use this reason to seek khula.

7 – Surah Nisa Ayat About Divorce
Time and time again, Islam has recommended the couple attempt to fix their marriage instead of directly seeking a divorce. In the following Surah Nisa Ayat about divorce, Allah (SWT) recommends that any couple who fears separation must appoint an arbitrator if they are unable to resolve the issue by themselves.

8 – Consequences Of Divorce In Islam by Woman
Stating the consequences of divorce in Islam by a woman, the following hadith states that any woman who seeks unnecessary divorce shall be forbidden to enjoy the fragrance of Paradise.

9 – Can a Woman Ask for a Divorce in Islam?
The following hadith lays down one of the principles of divorce in Islam by a woman. In order to seek a divorce, she must return her Haq Mehr.

10 – Islamic Quotes On Divorce In Anger
Verses 2:226 – 227 of the Holy Quran suggest that a believer must not divorce their wife in anger. However, they must focus on cooling off and try to reconcile and fix the marriage for at least the next four months before a final decision to end the marriage is made between the couple.
If you feel like you have an anger management issue, do go through our post on Powerful Duas to Control Anger.

11 – When Talaq Is Not Valid In Islam?
The following hadith suggests that pronouncing talaq during the wife’s menstrual cycle is not valid in Islam.

12 – Saying Talaq 3 Times At Once
The following verse of the Holy Quran confirms that saying talaq 3 times at once does not terminate the marriage. In fact, the husband must pronounce one per month and has the right to reconcile before pronouncing the third and final talaq.

13 – Valid Reasons For Divorce In Islam
Although it is preferred that couples opt to reconcile and find ways to make the marriage work despite the hardships, a set of valid reasons for divorce in Islam has also been provided. The following quote clarifies some of the reasons based on which a couple can seek divorce in Islam.

14 – Talaq Without Consummating
The following verse of the Holy Quran presents two sets of instructions for the believers i.e., divorce before consummation of marriage and settlement of dowry, and divorce after the marriage has been consummated. However, in both cases, Allah (SWT) has instructed both parties to remain gracious as He (SWT) prefers being gracious over being right.

15 – Advice on Divorce in Islam
The following verse of the Holy Quran allows the husband to make a choice to either let go or reconcile with their wife during the last part of their Iddah period.
The verse further adds that the husband must keep the wife only when he can be kind and good to her. Otherwise, he must divorce her and let her go on amicable terms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Does The Quran Allow Instant Triple Talaq?
No, the Holy Quran does not allow instant triple talaq but, instead prescribes the believers to wait four months in between before pronouncing the final talaq.
Q. Where does Quran talk about divorce?
The Quran addresses divorce in four separate surahs, including the fundamental premise of its proper procedure stated in 2:231.
Q. Is divorce allowed in Islam?
The Holy Qur’an encourages rehabilitation of marriage, either directly between the couples or via the employment of family members as arbitrators. If peace cannot be achieved in any case then the couple is permitted to divorce gracefully. Hence, it can be stated that the Holy Qur’an views divorce as something that is legal but not praiseworthy.
Q. What are the 3 types of talaq?
There are three different types of talaq: ‘”Talaq-e-Ahsan,” “Talaq-e-Hasan,'” and “Talaq-e-biddat”. Talaq-e-Ahsan and talaq-e-Hasan are recognized as the most logical forms of divorce in the Quran and hadith.
Q. Is halala mentioned in Quran?
Islam does not recognize or mention nikah halala, and neither does the Quran. Muslim guys created the term for their own convenience. The Islamic prophet Muhammad is said to have said in a hadith that this kind of marriage is haram and completely forbidden.
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