Islamic wishes for newborn baby: As humans and, most importantly, as Muslims, we genuinely should rejoice in the news of a new baby’s birth for people around us. We have been taught by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) to not only pray for ourselves but also for our loved ones. This includes our friends, relatives or merely acquaintances too.
Similarly, it is mustaḥab, that is recommended in Islam to congratulate the parent of a newborn baby. It is mentioned in authentic narrations that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) would say dua and seek blessings for the newborn baby.

How to Congratulate Muslim Parents on Newborn Baby?
Here we will share some Islamic wishes for a newborn baby. The Islamic congratulations for a new baby girl are very much similar to Islamic congratulations for a new baby boy. However, the rituals at the time of the birth differ. For example, Aqiqa formalities for a baby boy are different than for a girl.

1 – Islamic Congratulatory Wish for Newborn Baby’s Parents
According to authentic narrations, Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings Upon Him would offer prayers and seek blessings for the newly born baby. Hence, it is mustahabb (recommended) to congratulate the parent of a newly born infant.

2 – Newborn Congratulations Message
Here is another one that we can say to wish parents:

3 – Dua for Newborn Baby
The following has been transmitted by Hasan Al Basri:

4 – How Muslim Parents Should Respond When Congratulated
When a newborn baby is born, Islamic law instructs us to do a series of rituals as observed from the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH. This includes: The Adhan is whispered into the baby’s right ear ideally immediately after birth, The Aqiqah ceremony on the 7th day (sacrificing and distributing of meat), Tahnik(touching the lips of a newborn baby with sweet juice, preferably date), Shaving of hair on the head and circumcision for boys and naming the baby with a word that has a good/pious meaning. You can find more details on this in our post on Sunnah Acts for Newborn Baby That Parents Should Follow.
If someone greets the parent or the guardian, then they also should return the gesture with these beautiful and kind words:

5 – Dua for Newborn’s Mother
The following Dua can be recited when visiting the mother and child who are in the hospital or when they have come home and recovering. Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to read this Dua whenever he visited a patient.

Following Quranic Dua can also be said for a new baby and the parents.

Offering supplication( dua for newborn baby in Islam), praying for a child’s success, and congratulating the parents are some of the many ways through which we can express joy and delight at the arrival of a newborn baby in Islam.
Traditionally it was congratulating through words, either personally or through a letter, whatever means of communication was feasible. However, thanks to technology, special e-greeting cards are used to express joy along with flowers and gifts. Of course, these practices differ according to one’s customs, and as long as they are not against Islamic values, they can be practiced. However, extravagance in any of our matters is not appreciated in Islam, be it a celebration of the birth of a baby.
Likewise, there are no restrictions on the wording of dua (supplication for the newborn baby). The one offering supplication may choose whatever supplication they prefer and whatever words best suit them.
The ways to give Mubarak to a new baby boy can also differ culturally compared to a baby girl. The congratulations dua for a new baby girl in Islam is similar to those for boys. In Islam, grieving on the news of a baby girl is condemned and compared with the act of jahiliya (days of ignorance or pre-Islamic days). Hence congratulations in Arabic for a baby girl or any other language should be given with the same enthusiasm as we do in Islamic congratulations messages for a newborn baby boy. This includes prayers for the best health, faith and a prosperous future. Example: “Mabrouk (Congratulate). May Allah make this child coolness of their parents’ eyes.”
Here are some tips on How to Raise Good Muslim Kids that you can share with the parents.
6 – Dua for Both Newborn & Parents
Other words that can be chosen to wish parents are:

7 – Dua for Newborn Baby’s Protection
Here we have compiled a few authentic duas to welcome and wish well for the new baby. The dua for a new baby boy in Islam is no different than for baby girls.
In the following Duas, we seek protection from the evil eye. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Upon Him) used to seek Allah’s protection for his grandsons Hasan(RAA) and Hussain(RAA) by reciting this Dua. For duas to be accepted, It is also encouraged to say them with Allah’s Names.

Hence, it is recommended to congratulate the parents of a newborn baby and seek Allah’s blessings for the new arrival. One can use any of the supplications and wishes mentioned above and their own choice of words provided the selection of words is respectful and has no shirk. Allah knows best.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do you say in Islam when a baby is born?
According to the Sunnah, a call to prayer or Adhan is the first word a newborn Muslim baby should hear. These words are whispered into the right ear of the child. The meaning of the Adhan is: “God is great; there is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer.”
Q. How do you welcome a new baby in Islam?
Following acts of Sunnah are practised when welcoming a new baby in Islam:
- The Adhan is whispered into the baby’s right ear ideally immediately after birth
- The Aqiqah ceremony on the 7th day (sacrificing and distributing of meat)
- Tahnik (touching the lips of a newborn baby with sweet juice, preferably date)
- Shaving of hair on the head and circumcision for boys
- Naming the baby with a word that has a good/pious meaning.
Q. What does Holy Quran say about birth?
In the Holy Quran, all stages of embryo development are mentioned. This particular verse is from the Holy Quran Sura 39:6. “He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness.”
Q. What is Sunnah for a newborn?
Taḥnīk is a ceremony as learned from the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings upon him. Tahnik is touching the lips of a newborn baby with honey, sweet juice or preferrable pressed dates. (The date can be softened by mastication by the pious person and rubbed on the infant’s palate.)
Q. What is the difference between Inshaa Allah and alhamdulillah?
Alhamdulillah means “praise be to Allah”. For example, Alhamdulilah Allah has blessed you with a baby boy/girl. On the other hand, Inshaa’ Allah means “whatever Allah wills”. For example, Inshaa Allah, you will be blessed with a pious child.
Q. How do you congratulate someone in Islam?
Mabrouk is the Arabic word for “Congratulations.” In addition, the word Mabrouk means “bless” or “grace”. The root of the word is “baraka,” which means blessing. For example, Mabrouk, you have been blessed with a beautiful child.