Jinns in Islam: You are hit with different complex aromas when you walk into a cafe. The warm air you inhale smells slightly sweet, yet yeasty along with freshly brewed coffee. The rich smell of croissants, banana bread, and cinnamon buns wafts through the air.
Each of these smells can be easily distinguished. Our mind immediately creates a visual of everything, because we have seen and tasted these items at some point or another. Hence, it was easy for our minds to register it immediately.
However, there are other things, auras, and energies around us that we can’t see, smell or feel. But, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. One such energy is the “Jinns”. In this post, we will cover the concept of Jinns in Islam according to the Holy Quran and Ahadith.
What Does Islam Say About Jinns?
There is a deep fear of jinns among people who try to avoid breaching this topic, but it is crucial to get your facts straight and not rely upon old folk tales.
Allah (SWT) created Jinns from a smokeless flame of fire, humans from clay, and angels from light. But only humans and Jinns have their own free will.
If you find yourself curious about the concept of Jinns in Islam and wonder about their existence and if they have superpowers as depicted in the movies, then you are at the right place. In this post, we have gone through everything we could find about the concept of Jinn from the Holy Quran and Ahadith.
1 – Are Jinns Real?
A lot of things in this world can be understood by your sense of touch, smell, hearing, and taste. But life cannot be based on logic and intellect alone. This is where the concept of Ghayb comes in which is mentioned throughout the Holy Quran approximately 49 times.
The term “Ghayb” is used to refer to something unseen, or invisible, and to what is beyond our five senses. In the following verses of the Holy Quran, it is stated that faith in the unseen is essential for a Muslim. Now, the “unseen” here refers to anything that Allah (SWT) has guaranteed the existence of through His Word.
Hence, it is pertinent for us as Muslims to believe in the existence of Jinns if Allah (SWT) has spoken of their existence even if we have not seen or felt their presence.

2 – What Does Jinn Mean?
The Quran mentions two groups of unseen creatures created by Allah SWT, Angels, and Jinns. There is no English equivalent to the word Jinn. Therefore we stick to the Arabic word itself, الجن, the meaning of jinn in English is hidden or concealed.
They were created before mankind, and Allah SWT has given them the knowledge to understand them through Quran and Sunnah. Anyone in denial of the existence of Jinns is in forfeiture of the Quran and Sunnah which is a grave sin.
Jinns are mentioned in more than forty verses of the Quran, and a whole chapter (Surah) is named after them, Surah Jinn.
Unlike ghosts or spirits, the world of Jinns is separate and different but parallel to the human world. Jinns have their distinct nature and features hidden from humans. One of the most significant attributes of Allah SWT is wisdom, one of His greatest names is Al-Hakim (the Wisest).
The making and existence of jinn are mentioned in the Quran in the following verse of the Holy Quran:

3 – Facts About Jinns: Iblees Was A Jinn
When Allah (SWT) first made Prophet Adam and breathed life into him, He asked all present to prostrate before him. At the time all angels and a Jinn named Iblees were present. Iblees worshipped Allah (SWT) regularly and was elevated because of his devotion.
Being created out of the fire was something Iblees prided upon and for that reason, he refused to prostrate before Adam. This earned him the wrath of Allah (SWT) and the title Shaytaan and he was cursed for eternity. And in turn, Shaytaan promised to lead man astray till the end of time.
Jinns were created for the same purpose as mankind, to worship Allah SWT and follow the His messengers. All of Allah SWT’s creation worships Him, but humans and Jinns have free will; it is because of this reason that there are believing and disbelieving Jinn. The Jinns are like humans; they eat, drink, marry, have children, die, and will be judged on the Day of Judgement.
In the following verse of the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) warns mankind against the treachery of Iblees.

4 – The Purpose of Jinns in Islam
As with humans, Jinns are created to worship Allah, confirmed in the following verse of the Holy Quran:

5 – Types Of Jinns In Islam
Allah has given Jinn powers that He has not passed to humans. Jinns are all different, they have different abilities and different characteristics. They do different things and like different things.
Some of them are Muslims, and some of them are disbelievers, atheists, and monks just like humans. According to an authentic Hadith, Jinns are of three types:

6 – Good and Bad Jinns in Islam
There are good and bad Jinns. The good Jinns are called Jinns, but the bad is known as Shaitan. There are ranks among Shayateen depending on their disbelief and power.
There are certain Jinns whose nature is evil, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) warned us about those. They are the ones that like to stay with impurity. They are known as Khubuth Wal Khabaith, they love toilets.
This is why we have been instructed by the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) to seek refuge before entering the toilets and following the proper toilette etiquette. Here is the duaá that needs to be recited:

What are the types of jinn?
According to Surah Al-Jinn 72, there are four categories of Jinns: believers, disbelievers, misguided, and guided. There are several types of Jinn, including Aamar, Arwaah, Shaytan, Maarid, and Ifreet.
Is it Haram to use jinn?
Islam outlaws utilizing sorcery or making an appeal to jinn for any purpose.
Why is it called Masjid jinn?
The role of Mosques in Islam has always been a very versatile one. Masjid Al-Jinn is also known as the Mosque of Allegiance because it was built on the site where Jinn creatures swore allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and embraced Islam.