Lessons from the life of Prophet Yunus: Life is full of trials and tribulations. Everyone on the Earth is exposed to hardships or challenges, be it in any form. Allah even put his most beloved prophets through different tests with losses of health, wealth, or their loved ones.
Prophet Yunus’s story is also one of the most powerful stories in the Quran. Its significance can be indicated by Allah (SWT), who mentioned this story in Surah al Aanabiya, Surah as Saffaat, and Surah Yunus. Prophet Yunus’s story helps us comprehend the notion of faith, vulnerability, and patience. All of the trials and challenges that Prophet Yunus faced should be an inspiring and essential reminder for the Muslims to understand the power of a small yet heartfelt prayer to Allah.
What Can We Learn From The Story of Prophet Yunus?
Lessons from the story of Prophet Yunus: Yunus Ibn Matta was sent to Nineveh, a city in northern Iraq with an inhabitant of over a million people. Prophet Yunus appeared to be an ordinary bloke who was born and nurtured among the people of Nineveh. The thriving city of Nineveh had long forgotten Allah’s message and had devolved into a metropolis of idol worship and immorality.
Allah chose to send Prophet Yunus, a man born amidst them, as a Messenger to direct them to His trajectory, the path of light. Prophet Yunus wished to assist them and was diligent; despite their foolishness and cruel remarks, he persisted to remind them of Allah’s vengeance. Prophet Yunus promptly set out to accomplish his Lord’s request, inviting his people to convert to Allah rather than idol worship. However, the people of Nineveh rejected Yunus, as many other countries had done before him.
Yunus (A.S) was not discouraged; he continued to exhort them to worship Allah, reminding them of Allah’s tremendous wrath unleashed upon the people of Nuh and those before him. They, however, disputed this, claiming, “We and our predecessors have honored these gods for several years and no evil has occurred to all of us.” People’s responses saddened Hazrat Yunus. He resolved to leave the city and travel to another location where people would heed his Allah-given teachings.
Story of Hazrat Yunus (A.S)
But most people happen to not know the fact that why he spent years inside a fish. The reason is that that he fled from Ninevah in a fury, without Allah’s permission. As a result, Allah threw a huge wave at his ship and permitted a fish to consume him so that he may repent of his error. Soon after, the people recognized their error and begged Allah’s forgiveness. They turned to look at the seashore, but it was too late; Hazrat Yunus had already departed. Prophet Yunus’ life and narrative remain among the most compelling in helping us grasp the concepts of patience, vulnerability, and faith. His struggles and faith in Allah should serve as an inspirational lesson to us all on how to genuinely worship Allah solely.
Here are the eight lessons that we get from the life of Prophet Yunus:
1 – Don’t Let Your Anger Overwhelm You
The Holy Quran, on many points, has emphasized preventing and controlling anger. In the story of Prophet Yunus, the dangers of being overwhelmed by our anger have been reminded again. Prophet Yunus’s story also calls our mind the consequences of the impulsive actions and decisions we take out of anger.
Yunus (AS) lived in Ninevah, Iraq, and was ordered by Allah (SWT) to guide the people into worshipping one God. Yunus (AS) also tried to make people repent and ask for God’s forgiveness for their previous sins. However, the people rejected Yunus (AS) message and continued with their evil deeds.
Under the immense amount of hurt and frustration, Yunus (AS) left Ninevah out of anger. Once he left and boarded the ship, out on the ocean, the people of Ninevah realized their mistake and repented to Allah. Allah (SWT) forgave all of their sins. About Prophet Yunus, Allah states in Surah Yunus: ‘and (He) imagined that we shall not punish Him.’

Allah (SWT) sent a storm that destroyed and ship of Yunus (AS), which resulted in Prophet Yunus being swollen by the whale.
Hence, with the help of this story, we get this lesson that we should not let anger and frustration overcome us, no matter how hard it gets not to have succumbed to our emotions. If you feel like you have trouble with managing your anger, then do go through these 7 Powerful Duas to Control Anger & Other Negative Emotions.

At the end of the day, we all are human beings, which means that we are prone to succumbing to our sentiments and anxieties. The Holy Quran warns us here about the perils of allowing our anger to overtake us, and that for every impulsive action committed, there will be a repercussion. Yunus stormed away from the area, heading for the sea. It was his rage that drove him to the water, where he was swallowed by a fish. Without a doubt, this was Allah’s retribution for him.
2 – Having Faith in Allah and His Plans

Despite our flaws and weaknesses, the fragility and sincerity of Prophet Yunus’ heart are precisely what makes his example so motivating to us today – the Quran reminds us that despite our flaws and failings, and previous actions, but it’s never too late to kneel and beg for Allah’s mercy and kindness, as Prophet Yunus did.
3 – Beleiving in Allah’s Mercy
The incident of Prophet Yunus being swallowed by a whale is keeping a firm belief in the mercy and love of God. This put forward this strong message for us that even when we feel ourselves to be immensely wronged and sinned, we should repent and never think that Allah (SWT) will not shower his mercy upon us.
With the example of Yunus (AS), Quran also tells us that despite our shortcomings and mistake, we can still plead to the Almighty with a pure heart. So never let your mind trick you into believing that your past mistakes and deeds will stop your dawah. Always know that it is never too late to pray for God’s mercy and forgiveness, and Yunus (AS) did.
By explaining the Prophet Yusuf story, the Holy Quran advises us that no matter how bad the outcomes of life may seem, we must always keep in mind that everything entirely happens according to His will; hence, we should always put our trust in is decisions and remain faithful to our belief no matter what. Always value your work and never look at things from a short-term perspective.

The Quran informs us of Allah’s unfathomable kindness here – with the narrative of Prophet Yunus, we are educated that with the awareness of Tawheed comes the insight that Allah’s mercy covers everyone. We must never surrender.
4 – Allah’s Protection Is Always With Us

The narrative of Prophet Yunus in the Quran indicates that if Allah had Willed, He might have left Prophet Yunus where he was until the Day of Judgement. Whatever happens in our life, we must remember that Allah Decreed and Established Everything – and that we must stay firm in our belief in Allah despite the situations
5 – Endurance is a Difficult Attribute to Cultivate

We can sympathize and comprehend how vital our trust in Allah is by remembering Prophet Yunus’ emotions and sentiments when he felt despair and dread of staying confined for the rest of his life – Prophet Yunus reminds us that endurance truly is a fundamental act of devotion. He sought Allah’s assistance and did not lose patience. because Allah rewards those who are patient
6 – Benefits of Setbacks in Life

We all go through trials and tribulations from time to time. We seem to be on the verge of losing hope and faith in Allah’s plan. That is precisely the time when we must rely on patience and pray for assistance. Prophet Yunus had believed in Allah and He rewarded him in the end. So acknowledge Allah’s will for you, and you’ll be delighted in the last.
7 – Those Who Believe in Allah Have No Fear

Yunus, who lived in the belly of a fish, feared no one except Allah. He sought aid from Allah and had solid confidence in Allah’s help, and he is the well-wisher of all. Allah was the one who kept him going during difficult times.
8 – Seeking Repentance

Despite the teachings of Hazrat Yunus, the inhabitants of Ninevah did not repent of their wrongdoing. They persisted in their wicked actions. This enraged Hazart Yunus, and he departed from Ninevah. People repented after recognizing their terrible acts. Allah was the one who pardoned them for their transgressions. This teaches us to always seek Allah’s assistance. And therefore we should beg forgiveness for our wrongdoings since Allah is the one who blesses us.
Just like the life of all the other prophets – Prophet Yunus’s life is a treasure box of lessons for Muslims. While he was going through the worst phase of his life, his faith in Allah is a lesson that everyone should practice in their life.
Here are some of the crucial lessons that the Holy Quran teaches us from the story of Prophet Yunus:
9. Never Stop Praying to Allah
Following the order of Allah (SWT), a whale swallowed Yunus (AS). When he gained consciousness, he thought to be in his grave. However, after some time, he realized that this darkest area is the stomach of the largest animal that resides in the sea. However, it did not make Prophet Yunus give up on his life and lament his mistakes.
As soon as Prophet Yunus realized that he is still alive and unharmed, he prostrated to Allah and raised his hands to ask for His forgiveness and mercy. The dawah that Prophet Yunus made also teaches us the right way of asking for forgiveness, even in the darkest of times. Prophet Yunus Dua is highly respected to date and Muslims all over the world say the due on daily basis for seek forgiveness from Allah.

From Yunus (As) dawah, we can take this lessons that at the peak of despair, we should hold onto our belief in Allah (SWT) more intensely. Only He can help us with our trials and can lead us to victory the way He took Yunus (AS) out of the belly of the whale back to the dry land.
10. Never Lose Your Patience
The story of Prophet Yunus swallowed by the whale teaches us the importance of patience and how essential it is to worship the Almighty Allah. So likewise, by remembering the story of Yusuf (AS), we can learn to always remain patient and firm in our faith in God. It is only patience that can help us become better Muslims and further our journey of becoming better believers.
Once Yusuf (AS) regained his strength, he was able to find his way to the city of Nineveh. Because of his patience and firm belief in God, the behavior of the people of Nineveh changed entirely, and Yunus (AS) was warmly welcomed. He was told that the people of Nineveh had turned into believers of one God.
We got to remember that our dawah will only be fulfilled when Allah’s will and at the right time. Hence, we should never undervalue our dawah and get disheartened and continue pleading to Allah for his mercy and forgiveness. I would also recommend that you go through these Beautiful Islamic Quotes on Patience.
Prophet Yunus’s story is one of the most influential stories in Islam. It plays the role of a reminder that no matter how far you have gone in committing sins and disobeying Allah (SWT), there is always a way back through repentance. Sincere repentance will take you out of those rough situations and help you get the forgiveness and mercy of the Almighty. These lessons from the life of Prophet Yunus life are a reminder for us to be better believers. We should try to incorporate his Dua into our daily lives and also teach our children.