Mufti Menk Quotes. Ismail ibn Musa Menk, born in Harare, is a renowned Islamic preacher and Mufti of Zimbabwe. He memorized the verses of Sura Tauba when he was 3 years old. Then he completed the whole Quran (Hifz) at the age of 12. He started studying Shariah under his father supervision later he attained a degree in Shariah from the University of Madinah, and then he went for specialization in Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat.
He is the Head of the Fatwa Department of Majlisul Ulama Zimbabwe (The Council of Islamic Scholars of Zimbabwe). He is also an Imam at Masjid Al Falaah in Harare. He is a great inspirational speaker and lecturer around the globe. He is working is solely for the Pleasure of the Allah Almighty without any financial reward. We can not find or hear copyrights, charges, royalties, patents, and cost to invite him.
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1. Who is Mufti Menk?
2. His Educational Background
3. His Style & Approach
5. Mufti Menk on Love
6. Mufti Menk on Marriage
7. Mufti Menk on Friendship
8. Mufti Menk on Hijab & Modesty
9. Mufti Menk on trust in Allah
10. Mufti Menk on Women & Mothers
11. Mufti Menk on Good Character
12. Mufti Menk on Seeking Forgiveness
13. Mufti Menk on Pain & Sadness
14. Mufti Menk on Respecting Others
15. Mufti Menk on Being Humble
16. Mufti Menk on Repentance
17. Mufti Menk on Overcoming Weakness
18. Mufti Menk on Sincere Acts
19. Mufti Menk on Jealousy
20. Mufti Menk on Bearing Grudges
21. Mufti Menk on Calm Under Adversity
22. Mufti Menk on Patience & Perseverance
23. Mufti Menk on Fairness
24. Mufti Menk on Happiness
25. Mufti Menk on Life, Success & Death
26. Mufti Menk on Negativity
27. Mufti Menk on Faith In Yourself
28. Mufti Menk on Importance Of Prayers
29. Mufti Menk on Self-Control
30. Mufti Menk on Taking Responsibility
31. Mufti Menk on Being Appreciative
32. Mufti Menk on Self-Improvement
33. Mufti Menk on Parenting/Husband & Wife
Best Motivational Sayings by Mufti Menk
- When giving advice, do so kindly. Do it sincerely with patience. Don’t do it to show that you are more intelligent or better than others.
- There’s no need to be popular & win the approval of others. The Almighty did not create you for this purpose. Stay true to yourself.
- No matter how angry, never use harsh words on others; for those could be the last words you’ll ever say to them. Choose to be kind always.
- Be wary of people who stab you in the back repeatedly & then behave like they’re the ones who have been wronged. It’s best to avoid them.
- You can search the world for happiness but you won’t find it until you start being content with what the Almighty has already given you.
- We love ourselves after so many mistakes, so why do we hate others for one or two mistakes they’ve made.
- When someone tries to offend you, remember you can’t control your response. Save yourself and don’t react.
- When you learn to discipline your tongue, you’ll stop scrutinizing, judging and condemning others. You’ll then focus on your own weaknesses.
- If it doesn’t involve you, don’t get involved.
- Clothing yourself with the best character is more appealing than clothing yourself with expensive labels.
- Find it in your heart to fully forgive the one who’s wronged you. It’s difficult but the rewards are great and given by the almighty himself.
- If you want peace to prevail in your heart, remove anger, resentment, blame and worry.
- When a matter has been resolved, we should not keep bringing up the past.
- Why do we keep holding grudges? Is it really worth wasting that mental energy? Shouldn’t we just forgive and reap the rewards for letting go?
- We want to make the world a better place but we are not prepared to improve ourselves.
- If your heart is always content, then you are the same as or even better than he who has everything in this world.
- Don’t be busybodies, meddling into affairs of others. Avoid prying into things which are of no concern to you. Focus on your own life.
- When you keep looking for flaws in others, that’s all you’ll see. You won’t see their beauty. Start focusing on what’s good in people.
- Arrogance creates a mental block preventing you from taking good advice. Humility allows you to open up, seek advice and imbibe knowledge.
- A negative mind will interpret the most positive messages negatively but a positive mind extracts the best, even from a negative message.
- Your brain and your heart are the two most powerful organs in your body. Do not give control of them to anybody.
- Tonight before you get into bed, say a prayer for those without a bed, without a roof above their head, clothing or a morsel with which to be fed.
- Do good deeds purely for the Almighty. Don’t expect recognition, congratulations or gratitude from anyone. Seek your rewards from Him alone.
- Never utter mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.
- It’s never about material stuff, wealth, fame. It’s always about the heart. The Almighty looks not at how you look but what’s in your heart.
- No matter how detached you feel when you pray, don’t let go of the link. It’s your path back to the Almighty. Keep at it.
- My heart is too valuable to allow hatred and jealousy to rent a spot.
- When the sun’s up, there’ll many ‘friends’ around. Try counting how many remain when clouds gather and a storm breaks. Know a true friend.
- Your faith is your tree of life. The deeper the roots, the stronger the faith. Water the tree with good deeds; or it’ll wither and die.
- If a human being closes one door upon you, trust the Almighty to open another ten doors for you.
Mufti Menk Quotes with Pictures
↓ 50- Problems Mean a Good End
↓ 49- Women Deserve Politeness

↓ 48- Pray for Parents Life
↓ 47- Lose Everything for Almighty
↓ 46- Trials are Blessings
↓ 45- Get up in the dark and lit up the life
↓ 44- Goodbye with polite words
↓ 43- Never Respond with Hate
↓ 42- Put your matters on Allah
↓ 41- Help Peoples
↓ 40- Clear Heart
↓ 39- Allah is always with us
↓ 38- Don’t Envy
↓ 37- Put All trust on Almighty
↓ 36- Recognization
↓ 35- Search the right thing

↓ 34- Not be judgemental

↓ 33- Enjoy the small joys

↓ 32- Do not drop your character

↓ 31- Praise

↓ 30- Avoid the wrong peoples
↓ 29- Don’t Despair

↓ 28- Try to improve the relationship with Almighty

↓ 27- Avoid hurtful words

↓ 26- The best Responder
↓ 25- Do not let your dreams to lose Hope
↓ 24- Pain and success

↓ 23- Pray for others

↓ 22- Pose an excellent character to everyone

↓ 21- A rich person

↓ 20- Beauty lies within your heart
↓ 19- Allah afflicts us with trials

↓ 18- Invest for good deeds

↓ 17- Choice is yours

↓ 16- Do not compare your life with others
↓ 15- Objection is good
↓ 14- Be Patient with your children

↓ 13- Be kind in every situation

↓ 12- Beautiful Heart

↓ 11- Beautiful words for a beautiful path

↓ 10- Always remember Allah

↓ 9- Nudity is not a liberation

↓ 8- Every Trial has a purpose
↓ 7- Think before you act

↓ 6- Talk
↓5- Choose a religious partner

↓ 4- Never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction

↓ 3- Be Careful for Today

↓ 2- let them spend life together

↓ 1- Smile and move on