Muslim architecture has given the world the most remarkable masterpieces. The details and ornaments in the designs are the unique signatures of Muslim architecture. This is why the uniqueness brings people around the world to visit these places. These architectures include mosques, tombs, palaces, and forts. You can read more about the Islamic rule for art and design here.

Muslim Archiecture Around the World
This article comprises the 20 famous Muslim examples from around the world that are the architectural heritage of the Muslim world and will learn how well they blend in with the new era.
20 – Taj Mahal, India
The ivory white color marble used to build this landmark covers 17 hectares of land with a height of 73 meters. Its architectural style is from the Mughal empire and was built for Mumtaz Mahal in time duration 1632 to 1653 near the river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra.

19 – The Alhambra,Andalusia, Spain
The Alhambra palace was built by the Muslim Nasrid dynasty in Andalusia, Spain on the hill overlooking the Spanish city.
It was designed intentionally to reflect the image of paradise, therefore the palace Alhambra is surrounded by beautiful gardens, fountains, and streams.

18 – The Friday Mosque, Esfahan, Iran
Esfahan is famous for the Muslim architecture including bridges, boulevards, bridges, palace tiles mosques, and minarets. The city is full of architectural treasures one of which is known as the Friday Mosque. This mosque has stood on the site since the 8th century and the two domes. It was built by the Seljuk dynasty that ruled Iran in the 11th century and is the oldest one.
Each detail was added for the further attraction of the travelers. The construction time continues from the 12th century and has gone forward to different eras. The four Iwans of the mosque are the most significant figures that are a kind of terrace around the central yard.

17 – The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
The oldest Islamic monument was about 55 years after the Arab conquest of Jerusalem. Byzantine architectural tradition and styles were observed in designing it. It is also known as Qubbat al Sakhra.
It is located on the Temple Mount, a hill in the Old City of Jerusalem that is sacred in all three religions i.e. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

16 – Great Mosque of Samarra
The mosque was built in the Abbassid Caliphate in the year 851. It is located in the Iraqi city of Samarra.

15 – The Citadel of Aleppo

14 – Great Mosque of Córdoba
It is also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. It is located in the Spanish region of Andalusia, was built on the site of a Christian church by the Umayyad ruler Abd al-Rahman I in 784–786. The structure underwent several enlargements in the 9th and 10th centuries. During one of these enlargements, a richly decorated mihrab (a niche in a mosque pointing in the direction of Mecca) set behind an intricate arch was added. The architectural style includes Islamic architecture, Gothic architecture, and many more.
It is one of the oldest structures still standing from the Muslim ruled Al Andalus (Muslim Iberia including most of Spain, Portugal, and a small section of Southern France) in the late 8th century.

13 – Suleymaniye Mosque complex, Istanbul
It is the imperial jewel of the Ottomans, built-in 1557.

12 – Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse, Kashan, Iran

11 – Chefchaouen, Morocco

10 – Montaza Palace, Alexandria, Egypt

9 – Burj Al Arab, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

8 – Jameh Mosque of Isfahān, Isfahān, Iran
The mosque is also known as a Persian architectural masterpiece. It is the oldest shrine in Iran constructed from the 7th to 20th century. you can read about the many Halal destinations that one can travel to here.

7 – Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco

6 – Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz, Iran
The Iranian traditional mosque was built in 1888. The tempered colored glass used in windows and the ornaments create a breathtaking view when the ray of light enters through the window.

5 – Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

4 – Sultan Ahmed Mosque, or the Blue Mosque, Turkey
The official name for it is the Blue Mosque which is the Ottoman-era historical imperial mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. It is 43m high and its architectural style is Muslim architecture, Ottoman architecture. Constructed near an existing and famous mosque also on this list, is the Hagia Sophia.
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque includes six towering minarets, five main domes, and eight smaller domes. Sedefkâr Mehmed Ağa, the architect of the project, created a combination of traditional Islamic elements and Byzantine inspiration from the Hagia Sophia.

3 – Hagia Sophia, Turkey
The meaning of the Hagia Sophia is “Holy Wisdom,”. It is known as one of the best examples of Byzantine architecture style. It is officially known as the Holy Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque.
Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles designed it and it is the known remarkable landmark in Turkey for 1500 years. Roman bricks and ashlar are the building material used for it and it is with a height of 56m.

2 – Saint Petersburg Mosque, Europe
The Saint Peterburg Mosque was opened in 1913 and was the largest mosque in Europe that is outside Turkey. The height of its minarets is 49 meters high and the dome is 39 meters high which is why it is the tallest European mosque. The massive projects’ objective was to integrate the Muslim populations in Russia.
The design of it is based on the tomb of Tamerlane in Samarkand called Gur-e-Amir which translates to “Tomb of the King.” This structure is an important piece of architecture that was influenced by many designers including Nikolai Vasilyev who designed the Saint Petersburg Mosque.
The blue ceramic tiles that adorn the dome and minarets of the mosque are iconic features with the detailed geometry and calligraphy that spell out verses of the Quran.

1 – Masjid Al-Haram (Great Mosque of Mecca)
The holy mosque of Muslims is the Majid Al Haram. Every year millions of Muslims around the world travel to offer prayer and complete their pilgrimage and perform Hajj in the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are Islamic architecture elements?
Ans. Some of the elements are: mihrab, horseshoe arch, minaret, dome
Q. What makes Muslim architecture unique?
Ans. It is unique because of its rich floral patterns, Islamic calligraphy, and vibrant colors.