Periods in Islam – 6 Islamic Facts About Menstruation

Periods in Islam: Menstruation is a natural process for a woman that occurs every month. However, the cycle can differ from person to person. Usually, it lasts for seven days a week but not in every case. 

There are a lot of taboos and social stigmas related to menstruation. However, it is something not to be ashamed of. It can give you an opportunity to experience motherhood and a woman shouldn’t be made embarrassed if she bleeds every month. 

What Does Islam Say About Menstruation?

6 – Are periods dirty?

Periods aren’t dirty. Allah has ordained this time of the month to women and it should be accepted as it’s the will of our Lord. Women are supposed to halt the prayers and fastings because for that, they need to wait for the periods to get over and purify themselves. SubhanAllah, Allah has been so merciful to women. They are given the leverage to rest during Ramadan if their periods occur because it’s hard to bear the cramps, mood swings and period pain. Obviously, it would become difficult to fast in that condition that is why they are prohibited to do it. 

During the times of illiteracy, before the prophecy of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), people would not sit with their wives, they used to avoid eating with them considering that the women were impure and dirty during menstruation. 

periods in islam

However, after the prophet (p.b.u.h) came, he enlightened the people that it is okay to go near your wives, you can cuddle them and enjoy time together, sex is prohibited, but you can make love. None of it is prohibited as per the command of our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h).

5 – History of Periods

During ancient times, menstruation or menstrual blood had many labels. It was considered either cure or curse. 

It was considered a cure for sagging breasts and thighs. 

Islam has distributed the menstraution into three branches; early, medieval and late.

In Arabic, it is termed as Haid. It is a religious state of Menstruation in Islam. Muslim women are not allowed to perform prayers and touch Quran until they get purified. 

Once they get purified, they are subjected to continue their prayers and fastings. 

4 – Things that are haraam in Islam during Menses

Enlighten your knowledge about what Allah has prohibited on you during this time of the month. For example, a menstruating woman cannot do the following until she gets purified. 

•           Penetrative intercourse

It is forbidden for a man to have penetrative intercourse with his wife when she’s on her period. Until she gets purified, it is haraam to perform sex with her. However, you can make love with her, you can cuddle her, sit with her, and nothing as such is forbidden. 

•           Divorce

During menstruation, a man cannot divorce his wife till the time she gets purified. So if he wants to divorce her, he has to wait till she gets done with her periods.

No prayers: Prayers are forbidden at this time of the month. You cannot pray till you get purified. You can resume your prayers once you get purified.

No fasting: Fasting is prohibited to women during Ramadan if their periods occur. However, once you get done with this time of the month, you can continue to fast and keep the remaining qadha fasts later. For more details, you should go through our detailed post on Periods in Ramadan.

Tawaf of Kaaba: All the rituals can be performed except for tawaf of the Holy Kaba. You are prohibited to tawaf until you have cleaned yourself. 

Holding the Quran: The Quran is the most precious book of Allah and you cannot touch it till you are purified. However, you can listen to its translation and recitation as well. 

Staying in the mosque: Just as a man is restricted to stay in the mosque if he’s impure, similarly a woman can also not stay during her periods. Mosques are the house of Allah so do not enter until you are purified.

Waxing: It is not prohibited to wax unwanted hair from the body during menses. However, it is considered reprehensible (makrooh).

3 – Things that you can do during Menses

There is nothing to feel sad about Menses that you cannot gain any rewards as it’s a natural process given by Allah. 

However, there are things that you can still do while you are in your menstruating period. 

They are:

Listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran: It’s not an issue if she can’t hold the Quran or recite it, what she can do is she can listen to its recitation or the translation and enhance her knowledge and take comfort from it.

Do dhikr of Allah: She can do as much dhikr of Allah as she wants. There’s no prohibition while she does that.

Ask for Allah’s Repentance: She can make dua for her and ask for Allah’s repentance during this time of the month. So even if she’s impure and cannot pray, she still can make dua for herself. Here are the most Powerful Duas to Ask Allah for Forgiveness of Sins.

Give sadaqah (charity): Sadaqah should be done every day and month to protect ourselves from uninformed calamities and damages. Sadaqah is a lovable act in front of Allah so she can do it at this time of the month. Here are Islamic Quotes on Charity.

Hair dye: It is permissible in Islam for a woman to dye her hair while in periods. She is not supposed to wait till she gets purified to dye her hair. 

2 – Periods on wedding night in Islam

It is strictly prohibited in Islam for a man to have penetrative intercourse on the wedding night if the bride is in the state of menstruation. 

One should have to wait till his bride completely gets purified and then he can have intercourse with her. 

1 – Signs of purification

How would a woman know that she is done with her periods? There are some signs of purification with which you can know that the menses are now over. For example, there is a watery discharge from a woman’s womb after the blood has stopped. With the occurrence of such discharge, it is time to take ghusl and resume your prayers/fasting. 

There are some cases when this white discharge doesn’t come out. In this case, a woman is instructed to check the dryness. Then, you can insert a cotton piece and check if there’s any blood spot. If yes, you can wait till it completely gets over. 

And if there’s no clot, you can continue with your prayers and fastings. 

She is instructed to cut and trim her nails and purify every part of her body before she presents herself to the Almighty. 


Menses are something not to be ashamed of. A woman should not feel that she cannot gain any reward at this time. There are a lot of good deeds she can still perform while in the menstruating state. Prohibit social stigma related to periods. Also, there is a need to converse on periods so that women in our society shouldn’t be made embarrassed if they bleed monthly. It’s a natural process and a sign of motherhood. 

A woman is impure and she is prohibited to fast and pray but there’s nowhere written you cannot sit with them, eat with them or make love to your wives at this time. 


  1. Ameerah December 12, 2022
  2. Muslim girl April 7, 2023
    • Ayesha Raza April 18, 2023

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