Surah Layl Benefits: Surah Al Layl, of Juz 30, is the 92nd surah of the Qur`an and it consists of 21 verses. It is one of the 10 Makki surahs revealed to the Prophet SAW. It has short verses just like the rest of the Makkan surahs.
Just like Allah SWT has created everything in this universe for a purpose, He has also revealed the cure to every disease and problem in the Qur`an.
Why Should You Recite Surah Al Layl?

Just like that, there are several unique benefits of reciting this Surah. This surah benefits us in so many aspects of our lives; whether it is in our dealing with people, our actions, our intentions, our focus on our Akhirah, or our spiritual improvement.

What is Al Layl
Al-Layl means the night. Allah SWT in this surah shows the varying characteristics between two types of people, the charitable and the miserly. He describes their different actions and their different effects. The content of this surah is very expressive and arousing which generally talks about the hereafter and the divine chastisement. Allah SWT tells us that everything that he has created has a purpose and nothing or no one is superior over each other.
It is said that it can be dated back to the time of the early years of the Prophet SAW. The days when he had received the secret invitation.
You should also go through these Shortest Surahs of Quran That You Can Learn.
Here are the benefits that you can reap by reading Surah Al Layl.
6 – Inspiration for good deeds

Every surah in the Quran has great virtues. Each one consists of lessons about living a righteous and happy life and it`s the ultimate source of guidance for man. Recitation of Surah Al Lail can be a good way to gain inspiration to haste in performing good deeds. But according to the surah, our sole motive for performing these deeds should be that of gaining the pleasure of his Lord.
5 – It is Sunnah
Jabir ibn Samurah has reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, would recite the surah in the noon prayer. So it keeps you closer to Allah. Here are some more Beautiful Sunnahs To Follow In Daily Life.
4 – Reminder to Fix Our Intentions

Most of the time when we`re spending on someone, it is either done for the purpose of showoff or we expect something in return and that creates corruption. Give in the way of Allah so that it purifies you. Give in His way without Riya`a(show off) and without Israaf (extravagance). Don’t give in a way that you feel obliged because yesterday they gave you and that favor is such that it should be repaid. Don’t give it under this pressure, rather give it for the sake of Allah.
There are many lessons that we can learn from Surah Al Layl. Some of them are mentioned below.
3 – It Teaches Tolerance
This surah teaches us to embrace people`s differences. Allah SWT says that he has created diversity in his creation. You are not superior to your fellow human just because of your gender. Each is important in its own way. Likewise, everybody does something different. We have to accept diversity and if we don’t, we’re simply putting ourselves in difficulty. Even when it comes to simple day-to-day activities, each person has their own style of going about it. Don’t criticize someone just because they do something differently. Except for when people go against the command of Allah SWT, there we will encourage people to do good and forbid evil by discouraging people from doing wrong.
2 – It Teaches to strive for good
Allah has created people for His worship. He has put in our hearts the recognition of good and bad. He says that for those who pursue good and worship Allah, their end will be different from those who don’t. Just like their striving and lifestyle are different, their outcome will be different. There is a difference of night and day between those who strive for Paradise and those who are heading towards hellfire. Here, we need to see our lifestyle, our striving, our goals, who do they resemble? Do they resemble those whom Allah has blessed and is pleased with or do they resemble the other?
1 – The promise of Allah’s help when we are on His path

Allah SWT has promised that whoever gives and fears Allah SWT and believes, then He will facilitate all his affairs for him. Ease does not mean that things will be made simple for him, rather it means that it will be facilitated for him. Ease does not mean that you don’t study for an exam and you just show up thinking that you just gave Sadaqah and that will help you get through. No! It means that you study and work hard in the given time and when you sit for the exam, Allah`s help will be there for you.
This means that all his worldly affairs and religious affairs will be made easy for him. This does not mean that he will not face difficulty in his affairs but it means that Allah SWT will help him and there will ease after the difficulty. When you are doing the right thing, you will face hardships because life is meant to be difficult. However, that hardship is not eternal, it is going to end.
When a person has the help of Allah in this world, then even the most daunting tasks are made easy for him. This is the life of a successful person. Do we really live by the belief that Allah SWT has promised us ease when we`re on His path?
Every time we discuss religious issues, we associate them with difficulty and hardship, that, Oh! this is so burdensome. Because we have to take the deen seriously, we want to stay away from haram and we want to do Halal. This is why our lives are so miserable. We blame the deen for all the problems in our lives instead of actually implementing Allah`s commands in our lives. This is where the problem lies. However, When a person believes in Allah`s promise, his nafs is at peace and he isn’t complaining about anything. We need to fix our intentions.